Our assortment of fresh cultivated mushrooms is constantly expanded so as to provide Customers with new culinary stimuli and please them with a multitude and variety of cultivated mushroom tastes.

The above assortment is grown all year round by specialised producers exclusively for the purpose of the Group. Systematic gathering of knowledge and skills in the scope of state-of-the-art methods of edible mushroom cultivation lets us provide our Customers with products of highest organoleptic qualities.

Comparison of nutrition value of fresh fruiting bodies of White button and Brown mushrooms.


White button mushroom

Brown mushroom

Energetic value [kcal/100g]

30,9 (+/-1,98)

28,8 (+/-3,71)

Water [g/100g]

91,3 (+/-0,45)

91,6 (+/-0,99)

Protein [g/100g]

1,23 (+/-0,02)

1,29 (+/-0,04)

Fat [g/100g]

0,19 (+/-0,03)

0,14 (+/-0,02)

Carbohydrates [g/100g]

6,46 (+/-0,57)

5,98 (+/-1,03)

Ash [g/100g]

0,85 (+/-0,17)

0,95 (+/-0,02)

Champignon is a valuable source of several healthy compounds. These include, for instance, chitin, glucans, anti-oxidising compounds, polyphenols, lectins, tyrosinase. These compounds show versatile healthy effects.

Champignons contain large quantity of magnesium, significantly exceeding quantities reported in other raw products. It is biggest in fresh and dried mushrooms, whereas it gets reduced during processing (canning). High value of this element makes champignons good, easily available source of magnesium.


Biegpol – Grupa Producentów Grzybów Sp. z o.o.

Chorzemin 114
64-200 Wolsztyn (PL)

Tel. + 48 68 347 6800
Fax + 48 68 347 6801
e-mail: info@biegpol.pl


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